Posted by: Sam | May 24, 2010

The Most Productive Time of Year

Yet again today is a holiday. Another long weekend. Once again I have run out of milk, bread and peanut butter because while I can make it through no Sunday shopping, I can’t plan far enough ahead for no Monday shopping either.

6 of Norway’s 17 holidays and observances are in May. Why do Norwegians hate working in May?

“We actually love to work. That’s why we celebrate all workers on 1st of May. We also love Jesus apparently, so of course we have to celebrate him for at least three days. Lastly we are the biggest patriots on earth, so we need a couple of days to celebrate beating the germans and becoming civilized by adopting our constitution. ” -Geir

I think it is because by the time May rolls around, the weather may hint at spring and all the Norwegians with their winter cabin fever come out of hiding. My evidence for this theory is the sheer number of people out hiking today. And by hinting at spring I mean it reached a balmy 6’C today.

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